So proud of our chapter! EWI of Calgary, you ladies ROCKED IT on the Habitat for Humanity Women Build ...our members are truly an example of how we are building it forward for generations to come!!
CTV News Coverage of EWI on the 2015 Women Build
Inspired To Lead - Inspire To Read
Donation of the "Book Nook" for the residents of our 2012/2013 Charity of Choice Highbanks Society
CTV News coverage of EWI Book Nook donation to Highbanks Society
EWI of Calgary and Soup Sisters
In January 2013 EWI of Calgary members spent the evening making soup for clients of the Awo Taan Healing Lodge.
EWI Donation to Highbanks Society
2012 fundraising efforts made it possible for EWI of Calgary to present a cheque to Highbanks Society for $35,000.00
EWI donation to The Discovery House
2011 fundraising efforts made it possible for EWI of Calgary to present a cheque to The Discovery House for $30,000.00.